On Karl-Eugen’s death the throne passed to his brother Ludwig-Eugen, at that time aged sixty-two. The throne of Württemberg passed to Karl-Eugen’s second brother Friedrich-Eugen, who at that time was sixty-three years old. The Emperor, during the campaign which was to terminate with the capitulation of Ulm, notified Friedrich that he would visit him at Ludwigsburg on the 3rd October 1805. 1806, Friedrich-Eugen was given the title of Friedrich II with the pretentious Gothic addition of Emperor of Swabia and King of Württemberg, in other words of the smallest kingdom in Europe. Friedrich II, proud of his new title, seemed anxious to emulate the youthful follies of his uncle, Karl-Eugen, whose unbounded vanity and lust for pleasure he had inherited. After Friedrich II’s death in 1816 Ludwigsburg remained uninhabited for many years. The ground having thus been prepared, the Emperor began to discuss the matter which had brought him to Ludwigsburg.