The first practical step toward a successful result in a given case is a careful study to determine the factors at work in producing the fatigue symptoms. If the case be one of simple and uncomplicated neurasthenia, it will generally be found that the symptoms owe their origin to some infraction of physiologic living. The treatment of many cases of neurasthenia can he conducted from beginning to end without the use of any medicines. Occasionally, however, because of the atony of digestion, a few drops of the tincture of nux vomica, given before meals—alone or with a little tincture of gentian and of cardamom—will be of service. In addition to the large class of neurasthenics thus far considered, whose treatment can be successfully conducted without withdrawing them from their ordinary pursuits, there is an equally large number in whom the symptoms are so profound that the general measures described will fail unless supplemented by some more potent restorative influence.