This chapter is devoted to the issue of institutional disruption in the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, and Hungary (the Visegrád Group or V4, also known as Central and Eastern European countries ? CEE). The authors attempt to clarify the reasons for the slowdown or even cessation of changes initiated by the V4 in 1989, and intended to emulate the Western model of liberal democracy. In the first part of the chapter the authors explain the term institutional disruption and presents the characteristics of the V4 countries in the process of systemic change after the collapse of communistic regimes. The main body of this chapter is devoted to the dysfunctions of administrative reforms in the V4 group. Based on the available reports, the achievements of scientific literature in this field, and on the analysis of current political processes in those countries, the main barriers to institutional development are presented. In the summary, the authors draw attention to the specific elements of the process of shaping the new political regime and the special situation of the CEE countries.