This chapter explores whether the data-model integration framework, could be applied in operational systems for hydrological simulations and real-time forecasts. The platform was tested operationally successfully, showing that the data-model integration framework can be accommodated in state-of-the art operational information and decision support systems for water management. The MyWater platform has been tested with multiple data sources, multiple hydrological and hydrodynamic models, and for multiple case studies. The MyWater research project covered five case studies widi distinct geographical locations and characteristics; Umbeluzi catchment in southern Africa, Tamega catchment, Rijnland area, Nestos River and Queimados River. The aim of having five different case studies, with different modelling systems, and need for different water management services, was to ensure that the MyWater platform would be a flexible information system for water management. Water managers can see the behaviour of the catchment clearly from different points of view.