This book provides succinct reviews of 500 of the most commonly prescribed drugs. Each entry covers key prescribing information and provides information on safety issues, warnings, drug errors, and adverse effects. The book supplies practical guidance on drug selection and includes prescribing protocols and guidelines, information for complicated prescriptions, and concise management summaries for the common medical emergencies. It includes the new European Resuscitation Council algorithms and clinically useful reminders of basic pharmacology. This concise, up-to-date prescribing guide contains all the "must-have" information that junior doctors, nurse prescribers, and medical students need at their fingertips.

Common/useful drugs. Drug selection. Antibiotics. Hypertension management. Asthma. Analgesia. Palliative care and subcutaneous pumps. Antiemetics. Alcohol withdrawal. Antidepressants. How to prescribe. Insulin. Anticoagulants. Thrombolysis. Controlled drugs. Miscellaneous. Intravenous fluids. Steroids. Sedation/sleeping tablets. Benzodiazepines. Combined hormonal contraception. Side effect profiles. Cytochrome P450. Medical emergencies. Acute coronary syndromes (ACS). Acute LVF. Accelerated hypertension. Atrial fibrillation. Acute asthma. COPD exacerbation. Pulmonary embolism. Acute upper GI haemorrhage. Sepsis (severe or septic shock). Epilepsy. DKA. HONK. ↓Glucose. Thyrotoxic crisis. Myxoedema coma. Addisonian crisis. Electrolyte disturbances. Overdoses. Reference information. Coma. Cognitive impairment. Useful formulae. Common laboratory reference values. Index.