This chapter addresses the perspective of each of the major actors in the "Laetrile controversy." It illustrates how the Laetrile controversy can be viewed in terms of a set of conflicting problem definitions by several key actors. Laetrile is a cyanide-containing substance derived from apricot and other fruit kernels. Its proponents say that it is effective in the prevention, cure or control of cancer. The National Cancer Institute has conducted some tests on Laetrile and concluded that it is ineffective in animal systems. In the case of Laetrile, there is an important additional political dimension. The terms Laetrile and amygdalin are often used interchangeably. One perspective on the Laetrile issue is that this is purely a scientific matter and should be dealt with on scientific grounds. There is a group of proponents for the legalization of Laetrile who concentrate on what they call "the freedom of choice" issue.