Taro literature was examined for information about taro starch and as a guide to the growth of interest in the material world-wide. The properties of taro starch are presented, as available from the literature and supplemented by new observations on thermal stability and microscopy. The significance of particle size is considered as it relates to the fields of application of starches other than as foods, and especially in the plastics and related industries. The economics of starch application as a filler-extender is considered and consideration given to the emergence of special features of starch fillers not obtained from traditional mineral fillers or wood-flow. This is exemplified by a detailed examination of the economics and technology of the starch-filled biodegradable polyethylene carrier bag plant which has been operating for 2½ years at Nelson in England. Process economics between countries are considered, as given to extensions of the work into other fields of plastics production now at an advanced stage of industrial trial.