An investigation of chronological questions in the time of Gallio Paul and the other leaders of the early church must deal with Jewish, Roman, and Christian sources. As to early Christian sources, it was as a basis for his own Church History- and probably by making use of the earlier Chronographies of Julius Africanus, extant only in fragments–that Eusebius prepared his “Chronological Canons”. In his Chronographies Julius Africanus appears to have put the death of Jesus in Olympiad 202, 1, also in Suetonius and Dio Cassius tell of the appointment of Tiberius to govern the provinces jointly with Augustus, and Tacitus calls him “colleague in the empire”. After the death of Jesus, how long was it until the conversion of Saul/Paull In Ac 7-9 the conversion of the future apostle follows the stoning of Stephen. The famous shipwreck journey of Paul to Italy must have begun, then, in the summer of 56.