This part of our analysis has examined intergroup relations worldwide with respect to the kinds of contact situations behind the formation of particular societal contexts, and their ongoing dynamics, relating to consequent levels of intergroup violence. We focused on six types of societal context: (1) those located in isolated and remote areas, less accessible to outside domination; (2) traditional societies, originally ruled by monarchies or other type of dynasty; (3) countries subjected to external control and/or cession; (4) societies exposed to high levels of outside invasion; (5) regions which became protectorates; and, (6) contexts formed predominantly through external colonialism. We found that, except for the first situation, each type was related to both low and high levels of intergroup conflict. Bringing the results of our analysis together, we shall attempt to draw some conclusions regarding the general nature of intergroup relations worldwide. We begin by summarizing the above trends by type of societal context.