German rule was established in Tanzania during the period 1884 to 1898 and lasted until 1918 when, at the end of the First World War under a Mandate agreed by the Allies, Britain replaced Germany as the colonial power. During the colonial period there was a considerable amount of economic development, albeit of a rather lopsided sort. The colonial period, changes in crops had taken place, especially with the introduction of maize in the early nineteenth century and its spreading through the agency of Nyamwezi traders. The major development brought about during the colonial period was in agriculture. Between 1908 and 1914 loans amounting to 173.6 million marks were raised from Germany's Protectorate Loan to cover "extraordinary" expenditure mainly related to railway and road construction. On 21 January 1919 British civil administration was extended over the whole of German East Africa except for the districts of Ruanda, Urundi and Kigoma which were administered by the Belgians.