One of the most revealing insights gained from the analysis is recognition of how significant, indeed, profound, were the changes that occurred during Nikita Khrushchev's decade in power. Without precedent, Khrushchev was a Soviet leader who smiled, joked, laughed and sometimes cursed in public. Khrushchev believed that the top leaders must both "understand everything" and be "responsible for everything." Solving the agricultural problem was Khrushchev's over-whelming domestic concern. The demographic changes of the Politburo that occurred during the Khrushchev era, especially the wholesale turnover of membership in 1957, strongly support a conclusion that Khrushchev had taken to heart the lessons learned during Stalin's rule. Certainly, Khrushchev's personality faults embarrassed many Soviet officials. During the period 1953-56 ten incumbents served under Khrushchev. The early June decision must have been taken while Bulganin and Khrushchev were on a state visit to Finland.