The population of the Seychelles in mid-1981 was an estimated 65,000; it was growing at the rate of 2.1 percent per year. The most crowded island by far is Mahé, which contains 88 percent of the population and has a population density of 970 people per square mile. Although the population of the Seychelles is small in terms of numbers, there is no question that the country has a looming population problem. Birthrates are substantial-28.9 live births per thousand in 1980-while the death rate has steadily declined, to only 7 per thousand in 1980. Significant improvements in medical treatment, public health, and housing have already led to a reduction in infant mortality over the past few years. More than one-half the total area of the Seychelles consists of forestland, sand, coral, mountains, or boulders; only 10 percent of all land is arable, and only 2,160 acres is considered suitable for agriculture.