As the principal form of governmental organization of the Soviet economy, khozraschet comprises several equally important and closely interdependent features. Production entities were subordinated directly or indirectly to the appropriate economic ministries or equivalent agencies and through their ministries or other higher bodies to the ruling center of the entire Soviet system. The identical principle, as a combination of one-man management and collegiality, is employed with respect to the lowest links of the Soviet economy—production associations and independent enterprises. In contrast to distribution and exchange, production is comprehensively planned by the central agencies of economic administration. The agencies that deal with the planning of Soviet production are multifarious, and the process of planning varies, insofar as this process leads to the issuance of different forms of planning acts. The production activities of both republican and local associations or enterprises are planned, in principle, by the same methods employed with respect to the lowest links of the all-union economic system.