In various test votes in the United Nations on the admission of either or both Viet-Nams, South Viet-Nam has always led its northern neighbor by a sizable margin, and it garnered more votes than South Korea when the latter's admission was put to a test. These are impressive international testimonials to the regime's viability and to the validity of its claims to represent the Vietnamese people as a whole. The break with the Democratic Republic of Viet-Nam appears to have become irreparable when Bao-Dai was allegedly sentenced to death and stripped of Vietnamese citizenship by a Viet Minh drumhead court in December, 1947. On the nationalist side, in the meantime, Vietnamese politics went their unhappy way. Vietnamese highhandedness in financial affairs is one of the leading items on the long list of grievances that Cambodia has formulated against the Saigon regime. On the Viet-Minh side, the news of Bao-Dai's success was received with mixed feelings.