It is noticeable that the behavioral variables (role perceptions, self-images and outlooks, as well as mutual perceptions of politicians and bureaucrats towards each other) are basic elements for constructing the prototype of relationships between local elected politicians and bureaucrats. The empirical evidence shows that a conflicting or dichotomous model of relationship is prevailing between politicians and bureaucrats at the local level of government in Bangladesh. At the same time, we saw some puzzling perceptions between the two actors of governance which overall signify the dichotomous relationship between them, and it is not completely clear to us who dominates and how the relation affects the performance of local governance. Therefore, the main purposes of this chapter are twofold. First, to investigate the model of relations which exist at the local government level in Bangladesh by approaching the relational models that have been identified in the theoretical framework. In this connection, the third proposition is examined empirically. Second, a prospective model of relationships is proposed between politicians and bureaucrats to ensure proper governance and development at the local government level in Bangladesh. Overall, this chapter explores the answers to the following questions. Who dominates the local policy structure and governance? What are their dominant values? Is there any conflict between the two actors? Why does conflict occur? What are the patterns of conflict? And how are the local development activities and governing process affected by the conflicting relations? Accordingly, therefore, I begin my discussion by explaining the theoretical models and then turn to examine them one by one with the empirical data. Note that inferences have been built on the basis of both qualitative and quantitative analyses.