The objects of environmental microbiology are Bacteria, Archaea, microscopic Fungi, microscopic Algae, and the single-cell animals Protozoa. Other microscopic bio-objects such as viruses, metazoa, and helminth eggs are also important for environmental microbiology. Viruses are particles self-assembled from biopolymers inside living cells. Bacteria and Archaea are microorganisms with a prokaryotic type of cells. Fungi are eukaryotic microorganisms that assimilate organic substances by adsorption. Microscopic Algae are eukaryotic microorganisms that assimilate carbon dioxide using light energy. Protozoa are unicellular animals that digest organic food intracellularly. Helminths are wormlike parasites of humans and animals. The presence of their eggs in water and wastewater is a public health concern. A tutorial with solutions and a quiz bank are added to this chapter.