Chapter 5 discusses retrieval of national discourse as a way of salvaging England from the ostensible abuses in the World State. Concentrating primarily on Brave New World (1932), the chapter traces Aldous Huxley’s endeavours to rectify the perceived degenerative drift, land misuse, and cultural stagnation with the help of eugenics, English pastoral, and poetic recollection. Whereas the novel forecloses both John the Savage’s and Bernard Marx’s transcendences of mechanization, commodity value, and ideological control, it associates Helmholtz Watson with the Wordsworthian poet. His verses parody Eliotic idiom, on the one hand, and recollect an absent tradition of mystical reflection, on the other. Exile to a colonial outpost promises to improve on English pastoral, which, jointly with perennial poetic activity, is devised to survive the World State.