Feminism can never be the product of the identity of women’s experience and interest—there is no such unity. Feminism must always be the alignment of women in a political movement with particular political aims and objectives. Though, postwar Spanish feminism quickly took hold in the highly political, agitated context following the protracted dying of Franco. The women urge that feminism respond to Spanish women’s needs, often more material than psychal, rurally based than urban. Foreign ideas about women and their discontented isolations, are, they suggest, a potential warping of Spanish circumstances in which non-urbanized women may belong naturally to communities of women. Both Spain and England have known active women presences, earthy and speculative. They feature as well during the post-war years a time particularly rich in women authors-novelists praised by men and women alike. In discussing language, authority, and sexuality, many settle for explanations which overlook women’s experience and leave important factors unaccounted for.