This chapter shows a strong correlation among security and safety threats, the former being intentional attacks (e.g., terrorism, vandalism, political or industrial espionage, activism, etc.), and the latter being unintentional systemic damages (e.g., natural disasters, human error, systemic failures, etc.). Namely, an intentional attack weakens the target, making it vulnerable to potential unintentional damages, and vice versa.

The chapter further analyzes the regulatory framework of global, national and industrial Health, Safety, Security, Quality and Environmental (HSSQE or HSQE) standards, and highlights the benefits of regulatory harmonization. It is observed that, regardless of the threat type, i.e., man-made or natural disaster, cyber or physical threat, and intentional or unintentional attack, every single incident impacts all HSSQE aspects.

The chapter also provides information on the national energy security departments, regulations and activities of major energy producing or consuming nations, with interesting data on the agencies’ restructuring in order to better meet the national goals for energy security, independence from foreign markets, energy mix and other segments of the government strategy.