The link between depression and anger is made. The boundary setting paternal function is established this emerges whatever the gender of the analyst. The reality of the man–woman pairing in this therapeutic relationship meant that the material that emerged first related to a maternal erotic bond. Later the paternal transference came to the fore. It was difficult for the patient to cry having learned at boarding school that it brought no rewards. Symbolically it was as if he was trapped in the maternal world; because he left home too young, he still yearned to return to the mother of his childhood. A dream of being stuck in the feminine world (in a department store) reveals this. In a second dream various animals appear and are understood to relate to the violent anger and aggression that was now needed to free the dreamer. The psychological elements of the analysis progressed but at the same time concerns about his physical health were ever present. A check-up revealed no progress in the disease but now depression dominated and his anger came to the fore.