Cybersecurity and cyber resiliency are the number one concerns for companies today. Organizations must protect their assets and defend against cyber threats and attacks in order to stay in business. A break-in or breach can destroy a company's assets and/or reputation in a matter of minutes.

Cyber Strategy: Risk-Driven Security and Resiliency will provide concepts, processes, roadmaps, project development tools, and reporting templates to be used by any type of company for evaluating, managing, reporting, analyzing, and assessing cybersecurity and cyber resiliency in order to develop their enterprise-wide strategies. This book delivers a methodology for companies to bring together their disassociated strategic planning efforts into one corporate-wide strategy that will efficiently utilize resources, target high-risk threats, evaluate resultant risk mitigation efforts, while engaging buy-in across the corporate culture, senior management, business silos, and diverse business interests. Presented in this chapter are:

An information security architecture

A regulatory architecture

A risk taxonomy

Top cyber threats and corresponding controls

Plan performance assessment methodologies

The NIST Cybersecurity Framework

An example of a Cybersecurity and Resiliency Program

The cybersecurity and cyber resiliency life cycle

Examples of cybersecurity and cyber resiliency mission/vision statements with their corresponding principles, objectives, and initiatives

A methodology for projecting new future initiatives in order to better allocate resources and mitigate strategic objective gaps.

CISOs, CIOs, as well as managers at any level can use this book to create comprehensive strategies that can be published by the Board of the company and approved by their supervisory entities. The 6 steps for strategy development are:

STEP 1: Preplanning: Preparation for Strategy Development

STEP 2: Strategy Project Management

STEP 3: Cyber Threats, Vulnerabilities, and Intelligence Analysis

STEP 4: Cyber Risks and Controls

STEP 5: Current and Target State Assessments

STEP 6: Strategic Plan Performance Measurement and End of the Year (EoY) Tasks