The son of a pastor, Jung was born on 26 July 1875 in Switzerland, where he studied medicine. In 1909, Sigmund Freud and Jung psychoanalyzed each other’s dreams on their journey to and from Clark University in Massachusetts where, together with the psychoanalyst Sandor Ferenczi, they gave lectures about psychoanalysis that autumn. Freud’s interest at that time in the Oedipus myth or story reflected his then shared interest with Jung in mythology. Like Jung, he also became interested in symbolism, about which he introduced many examples in the 1909 and 1911 editions of his book The Interpretation of Dreams. Meanwhile the 1914 International Psychoanalytic Association yearbook contained two articles by Freud criticizing Jung. In one article he objected to Jung’s abandonment and betrayal of psychoanalysis. In the other article Freud took issue with Jung’s dissent from his account of Schreber’s schizophrenia in terms of regression from love of others to narcissistic self-love and sexual desire.