In which we finally extricate ourselves from the discipline of psychology, but learn that it is not so easy to escape the wider network of theories and practices that comprise the psy complex. We turn back and reflect on where we are now, continue our journey into and out of management, and find new ways of working on the management and care of the self. I got through it, and my anthropological journey through psychology, my time as a spychologist is almost over, but in this final chapter I need to wrap things up with some reflections on the way that even when you might think that you have let go of psychology, psychology does not let go of you. The auto-ethnographic account in this book has fore-grounded my own part in what I describe, but I am still there inside this stuff and this stuff is inside me. It is necessary to step back and reflect on what we have learnt from this journey. I was lucky – that’s a ready to hand explanation that I have already used to account for how I was able to get into psychology – for though they probably meant it in an unkind way the message from my managers at MMU was correct; it was time to get out, and I was right to do so.