“Television has contributed significantly to the dissemination of the fairy tale and solidified its presence in twentieth- and twenty-first-century popular culture”. That is, Political TV, Lifestyle TV, Reality TV, Sports TV, and Science Fiction TV may all at times use fairy tales and fairy-tale structures in their own distinctive ways. Folklorists and fairy-tale scholars sometimes use The Types of International Folktales: A Classification and Bibliography, published in 2004 by Hans-Jorg Uther, revising and amplifying previous works by Antti Aarne and Stith Thompson, to identify individual traditional folktales. A tale type is a narrative structure presenting a brief plot indicating motifs, settings, characters, and actions shared by a group of stories. While fairy tales transform in recognizable ways, for the most part, television barely resembles the furniture pieces and time fixtures of the mid-twentieth century. Through FTTV, people explore how media and genres have mixed over the decades, with fairy tales appearing in a variety of programming.