This chapter shows that self-management will cross the chasm – as a practice, it’s cheaper, faster, more agile, and more innovative. The factor that will stop the crossing is the C-Suites of traditional hierarchies. Their self-interest, egos, power, and investment in the status quo are a formidable force. The C-Suite does not operate in a vacuum. Even within the C-Suite, some executives have the foresight and courage to change before change is imposed upon them. Executives should be able to use both research and intuition to arrive at a decision. Executives wield power and exercise control, often to their own ends, and take their authority from the hierarchical system. Once a self-managing team is producing better results than hierarchical teams and units, there are potential allies to be found in shareholders – better, cheaper, and faster production is a strong incentive for shareholders to take to the executive team.