This chapter takes a short detour from the storytelling framework of this section of the book. Here the author describes and defines a process that helped an organization build a functional safety program. This was in stark contrast to what had been done in the past when regulations and rules were used to enforce compliance. Through painstaking efforts to promote ownership and buy in from the people who would use the program, the organization was able to create a program where compliance was achieved even though it was not the primary focus. Here the author advocates strongly for involving the people who will be subject to any safety program in its very development. The Stupid Simple Tool in this chapter is a reminder that knowledge of safety (and its requirements) is not intuitive. Once that fact is realized, readers are challenged to refer back to Stupid Simple Toolkit Item 3 and write programs that people actually want to use. Once that is achieved, train, train, and train some more. Train until the process becomes muscle memory.