Mussel adhesive protein (MAP) is secreted by a gland of the marine mollusk Mytilus edulis and other bivalves. It serves to attach the mollusk to rocks or other substrates in the turbulent tidal zones, thereby demonstrating its powerful adhesive properties. The natural product is a protein of 120K dalton molecular weight that contains a repeated decapeptide rich in lysine, hydroxylated amino acids, and dopa [1–5]. This material, which cures rapidly upon contact with water, was patented by Waite. MAP has been shown to serve as an enhancer of cell attachment to plastic in tissue culture, including cells derived from ocular tissues. Furthermore, it has been proposed as an adhesive in the application of shaped portions of stroma and synthetic materials to the anterior surface of the cornea in order to alter its refractive power (epikeratoplasty). The ability of MAP to act as a strong biological adhesive in freshly isolated ocular tissues offers potential use in many circumstances.