On the basis of its findings, the Commission on Obscenity and Pornography makes the following legislative recommendations. The disagreements of particular Commissioners with aspects of the Commission’s legislative recommendations are discussed in detail in this chapter. The Commission recommends that federal, state and local legislation prohibiting the sale, exhibition or distribution of sexual materials to consenting adults should be repealed. The concern about the effect of obscenity upon morality is also expressed as a concern about the impact of sexual materials upon American values and standards. The Commission recognizes and believes that the existence of sound moral standards is of vital importance to individuals and to society. A primary basis for the Commission’s recommendation for repeal of adult legislation is the fact that extensive empirical investigations do not indicate any causal relationship between exposure to or use of explicit sexual materials and such social or individual harms such as crime, delinquency, sexual or nonsexual deviancy or severe emotional disturbances.