Recent research has reformed our ideas on reliability, performance indicators and performance profiling in notational analysis – also statistical processes have come under close scrutiny, and have generally been found wanting. These are areas that will continue to develop to the good of the discipline and the confidence of the sports scientist, coach and athlete. If we consider the role of a notational analyst in its general sense in relation to the data that the analyst is collecting, processing and analysing, then there are a number of steps that will be required to facilitate the production of a performance profile:

1. defining performance indicators,

2. determining which are important,

3. establishing the reliability of the data collected,

4. ensuring that enough data have been collected to define stable performance profiles,

5. comparing sets of data,

6. modelling performances.

The recent advances made in the research and application of the mathematical and statistical techniques commonly used and required for these processes will be discussed and evaluated in this chapter and examples of different ideas of how to present the performance profiles will be shown.