This chapter focusses on interpreting the research results theoretically in order to understand how recruitment practices mediate the employment relationships that generate different forms of precariousness for the Bangladeshi migrant construction workers. It evaluates the in-depth meaning of the empirical findings and contextualises their relevance to the main theoretical lens of this book, i.e., precarious work. The interpretation of results in this chapter informs new knowledge in understanding the precarious work conditions among the migrant labourers. Conceptualising “hyper-individualised employment” as fundamental to precarious work conditions, the chapter benchmarks the original contribution of this book. It identifies construction work in Dhaka as a 4D job, confirming the human indignity dimensions associated with the image of the work. It analyses labour recruitment through the lens of precarious work and confirms that indirect recruitment, embedded in the social relations of the recruiters and the migrant labourers, produces precarious work conditions in migrant construction workers’ workplaces. The arguments presented in the chapter clarify the theoretical position of the book, signify the empirical rigour and highlight its unique contribution to the literature on labour and work in the field of labour migration.