SpatialEpiApp is an R package that contains a Shiny web application to visualize spatial and spatio-temporal disease data, estimate disease risk and detect clusters. SpatialEpiApp may be useful for many researchers and practitioners working in public health and lacking the adequate statistical and programming skills to effectively use the statistical software required to conduct disease surveillance analyses. SpatialEpiApp allows to fit Bayesian hierarchical models to obtain disease risk estimates and their uncertainty by using R-INLA, and to detect clusters by using the scan statistics implemented in the SaTScan software. The chapter describes the main components of SpatialEpiApp. Moraga can be seen for more details about its use, methods and examples. Finally, the ‘Help’ button redirects to the ‘Help’ page which shows information about the use of SpatialEpiApp, as well as the statistical methodology and the R packages employed to build the application.