This chapter shows how anthropogenic global warming is in climate fiction imagined as a phenomenon connected to conspiracy. That Prophezeiung contains the above-mentioned message is only made more interesting by the fact that a similar message drives the plot in the perhaps most-read climate fiction to date: Michael Crichton’s thriller State of Fear. In fact, similarly to Prophezeiung, considerable amounts of energy in State of Fear are spent on framing the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change as “a political organization, not a scientific one”. On the one hand, the political conspirators come to realize that they cannot enforce their political power by totally ignoring scientific considerations, which means that a new self-critical suspiciousness is integrated in the political sphere. The chapter also focuses on the imagination of scientific mediation in The Doomsday Report. Ulrich Beck’s understanding of climate science’s dependency on construction does not make him give up on the imagination of Science.