Magnus and Kristín, the daughter of the family at Drangar, started courting in 1896. Interestingly, many years later Kristín of Drangar would recall her relationship with Magnus in her semi-autobiography. Magnus took on various employment in the West Fjords in 1895-1900, including teaching and fishing. He was one of the better-known folk poets in the region, and traveled widely for that reason. His biographer, Gunnar M. Magnuss, states that he composed abut 600 poems during those years: “some of them quite lengthy ballads”. In 1911, Magnus and his family were finally granted leave to reside at Suoureyri in Sugandafjorour. The district council leader proved to be a friend to him, granting the permit without any hesitation, and for the first time in his life Magnus was given the opportunity to work as a free man in his home community.