Romeo initially distinguished himself by switching burrows. While most other Crawfish Frogs Jen tracked from their breeding wetlands to upland burrows found a burrow and settled in, Romeo used burrows in a small area, and for a while after returning from breeding moved among them. Romeo’s tete-a-tete with Juliet provided the exception that proved a rule. Despite Reeve Bailey’s assertion that Crawfish Frogs share burrows, in Jen’s radiotelemetry study adult Crawfish Frogs cohabited single-opening burrows for only 8 of the 7,898 “frog days” she tracked radiotelemetered frogs. Romeo became an ambassador for his species. On 29 February, 2012, after it warmed up but before frogs began their breeding migrations, MJL hosted Peabody Coal biologist Bryce West and the Indiana DNR’s Division of Reclamation’s Todd Sellers.