The development towards the novel is part of logical evolution of the myth-creating utopian imagination, which impatiently proceeds from general idea to ever greater actualization. At last the utopian writer’s aim has been achieved: utopia has come alive, the reader becomes a citizen of imaginary world. The evolutionary outlook serves as a strong theoretical basis for the development of particular social hypotheses. The claims of hypothesis and reality are reconciled, the Utopian’s impatient desire for creating a new world has found ideal short cut to the independent realm of fiill-grown literary fiction. Originality of thought and imagination are as important as the construction of a clever plot, but the integration of two elements will make the utopian story a better novel. In H. G. Wells’s Time Machine the search for utopian past becomes an exciting story when the time traveller descends into the interior of the earth in order to learn the truth about the mysterious existence of the Morlocks.