In the Study an unusual solution of the travelling salesman problem and other optimization problems are described. The author fantasizes on the topic of watches in the form of a globe with the solution of the travelling salesman problem. The use of mathematical equipment to create watches of unusual shapes is discussed. The concept of the inverse travelling salesman problem is introduced.

Mathematics: Prime numbers, factorization, graph, minimum of a function, travelling salesman problem, inverse travelling salesman problem, nearest neighbor method, integer equations, integral, integro-differential equation, matrix, seven-bridge problem, Steiner problem, Steiner dimensional problem, transport problem, optimization paradoxes, financial pyramid.

Physics: Watches, bionics, pheromones, soap foam.

IT: Symbolic mathematics, animation, a cycle with a parameter, a conditional operator, matrix functions.

Art: Novel of Daniil Kharms; Mona Lisa, by Leonardo da Vinci.

Study website: https://community.ptc.com/t5/PTC-Mathcad/Study-15/m-p/642389" xmlns:xlink="https://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">https://community.ptc.com/t5/PTC-Mathcad/Study-15/m-p/642389