The Study shows how an engineering university can hold a lecture in the framework of the STEM-education technology. Through the example of solving problems taken from a science fiction novel, the possibilities of modern mathematical computer programs are illustrated: the utilization of built-in operators and functions of the mathematical packages Mathcad and Maple. Symbolic and numerical mathematics, 2D and 3D plots, animation, optimization, solving algebraic and differential equations and their systems, programming, working with physical quantities, links to cloud functions, etc., are described. It is shown how to use the example of solving problems in school and university, relying on the modern educational technology called STEM education (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematic), where in a single lecture different educational disciplines are involved—literature, visual arts, history, mathematics, computer science, physics, engineering, engineering graphics, statistics, political science and even theology (religious studies). A typical error of the symbolic mathematics of the Mathcad, Maple and Mathematica packages was found and analyzed.

Through an example of using the method of least squares, an unsolved problem in the theory of dimensional quantities is examined.

Mathematics: System of equations, optimization.

Physics: Mass, volume, surface, density.

IT: Numerical and analytical solution of algebraic and differential equations and their systems, optimization, computer animation.

Art: Jules Verne’s novel, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.

Study website: https://community.ptc.com/t5/PTC-Mathcad/Symbol-math-error/td-p/487278" xmlns:xlink="https://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">https://community.ptc.com/t5/PTC-Mathcad/Symbol-math-error/td-p/487278.