Epistemologies of the South is in all likelihood the most compelling framework in many decades for social transformation to emerge at the intersection of the global North and the global South, theory and practice, and the academy and social life. Elders and young activists in many territorial communities worldwide eloquently express why they defend their worlds even at the price of their lives. In the words of an activist from the Afrodescendant community of La Toma, also in Colombia’s southwest, engaged in a struggle against gold mining since 2008, “It is patently clear to that are confronting monsters such as transnational corporations and the state. Epistemologies of the South and political ontology are theoretical-political projects that aim to reinterpret contemporary knowledges and struggles oriented toward the defense of life and the pluriverse. Epistemologies of the South and political ontology are efforts at thinking beyond the academy, with the pueblos-territorio and the ¬intellectual-activists linked to them.