This chapter considers briefly some of the more significant of the utopianistic ideals which are to-day current and explores the relationship of certain of the more outstanding elements in utopianism to social evolution. The utopianism of the prophets and Jesus has come to dominate the moral and spiritual life of men as no other ideals have been able to do; the very fundamentals of successful social life and happy human relations have come to be based upon it. The most significant institution and the most powerful utopianistic measure of the Utopians was education. To the Utopians education was one of society’s main instruments for realizing its destiny. The types of education which they stressed were not repetitive, memoriter, pedantic, and therefore non-progressive. But a dynamic culture, of a functional and social nature, practical withal and fitting for life,—one which developed the perceptive powers, physical endurance, domestic qualities, skill and the powers of social discipline.