The identification of Chadas with modern Hanzir provides a pointer for the course of the TP’s road between the Pasin and the Agri plain. Pegolotti’s Bagni d’Arzerone cannot fail to be Hasankale, where hamams are known to have been founded in the mid-sixteenth century and where there are said to have been seven separate bath buildings in the mid-seventeenth century as well as eight open baths. The high rock of Avnik was fortified with an upper enceinte and two walled ledges on the north side – the precipitous south side did need man-made defences. Within the fortifications were a spring and plentiful storage space. The roles of Hasankale and Avnik were reversed until the formidable Ottoman castle with three rings of walls was constructed at Hasankale in the mid-sixteenth century. The whole story is perhaps a double calque, the conflation of real episodes which themselves have been transmuted by retelling and misapprehension.