The humble petition of the undersigned Catholics, on behalf of themselves, and the rest of the Catholic Subjects of the Kingdom of Ireland. A proscription which disregards capacity or merit, admits of neither qualification nor degree, and rests as an universal stigma of distrust upon the whole body of the readers' Catholic subjects. No Catholic whatsoever has his personal property secure: the law allows and encourages the disobedient and unnatural child to conform, and deprive him of it. The unhappy father does not, even by the surrender of his all, purchase his repose: he may be attacked by new bills, if / his future industry be successful, and again be plundered by due process of law. For, by giving an advantage over us to those in whom they are exclusively vested, they establish throughout the kingdom a species of qualified monopoly, uniformly operating in our disfavour, contrary to the spirit, and highly detrimental to the freedom of trade.