In the present enlightened and improving period of Society, it is not for Irish Roman Catholics alone to continue silent. The Roman Catholic body measured strength with the power of the state and was vanquished; when it possessed a force, that never more can be exerted, and was opposed to enemies far less numerous, than it should encounter. The confiscations of that period are confirmed to the present occupiers by immemorial possession, by the utter impossibility of ascertaining the original proprietors, by the personal and pecuniary interest, of almost every Roman Catholic in the land, to maintain the settlement. The whole legislative, the whole executive, the whole judicial power of the State, is in the Hands of Men, over whom they have no controul, and with whom they can have little intercourse. The liberty of Ireland to those of our communion is a calamity, and their misfortunes seem likely to increase, as the country shall improve in prosperity and freedom.