While the romantic Miss Goldthorp was thus securing her interest with one part of the family, the active curiosity of Mrs. Crewkherne, raised by the report of Mrs. Nixon, was busied in tracing, if possible, the causes that might impede the success of a project, which seemed to be as near her heart as it was to that of her niece. But other motives than those which had excited the zeal of the younger, stimulated that of the elder lady. It was indeed difficult to say, whether ambition to restore to that branch of the family she was related to the wealth and consequence they had lost, had more influence than two other wishes that arose in her bosom; one was to mortify the young dowager Lady Castledanes, whom she detested with the most inveterate malignity, and the other, to detect the artifices by which she imagined Mr. Armitage had obtained such an influence over the moral and political opinions of George Delmont.