This chapter covers the content and implementation of the “multiple path” policy, as based in the CIA document; “The covert policy proposal and integrated program of action towards Cuba.” This program was nothing new, but the difference with previous programs consisted in its foundation in the assumption that current U.S. policy does not contemplate outright military intervention in Cuba. It further assumed that U.S. policy calls for the exertion of maximum pressure by all means available to the U.S. government, short of military intervention, to prevent the pacification of the population and the consolidation of the Castro/Communist regime. The program included six interdependent courses of action, such as: covert collection of intelligence, propaganda actions to stimulate low-risk simple sabotage and other forms of active and passive resistance, exploitation and stimulation of disaffection in the Cuban military and other power centers, economic denial actions on an increased basis, general sabotage and harassment, and support of autonomous anti-Castro Cuban groups to supplement and assist in the execution of the aforementioned courses of action.