This chapter explores immersive communication: its definition, morphological characteristics, modes of communication, and goals and effects. It analyzes the laws of communication and social development, using them to deduce that immersive communication is a new mode of communication based on ubiquity and that it pioneers the arrival of a new communication era—the third media age. Immersive communication ushers in a new page in the development of human media. In terms of communicative targets, human communication has roughly gone through a development process of interpersonal communication, mass communication, focused communication, and finally ubiquitous mass communication. Immersive communication has brought about breakthroughs in people’s information communication methods, production, and lifestyles. Immersive communication methods and processes are based on the all-around connection of modern information technology. The profound revolution of immersive communication content is also embodied in the transcendence of time and space, such as agenda setting.