By the middle of the 21st century, China will have realized the transition from a traditional social structure to a modern social structure, and a socialist modernized country will be fully built. At the end of 1993, China’s population was 1.185 billion, the natural population growth rate 11.45% and the total fertility rate 2.16. The one-child policy was a decision made on the basis of China’s special circumstances with a large population. In1993, the output value of the primary industry accounted for 21.2% of the gross domestic product, while the number of employees in the primary industry accounted for 57.4% in the employment structure. Since the reform and opening up in 1978, China’s economic development strategy turned to economic efficiency and the focus of economic construction was shifted to the coastal areas. Generally speaking, China is currently in a period of social structure transformation from a traditional to a modern society.