关系 (connections) play an extremely important role in Chinese society, particularly given that people’s concept of social hierarchy is still strong and equal rights have not been fully implemented. A person not knowing 人情世故 489 (worldly wisdom) is considered immature. One value expressed in folk culture is to be friendly with everyone (与人为善). 490 However, humans are wicked (人心险恶 491 ) and a man cannot help but to go with the tide (人在江湖, 身不由己). 492 The Thick Black Theory (厚黑学 493 ) has been popular ever since its birth in 1911. The key concepts of this theory include 脸皮厚 494 (face-skin-thick, shameless) and 心黑 495 (heart-black, cruel). In most cases, worldly wisdom lies in choosing a side to stand with (站队). 496 If you are lucky to be on the winning side, your life will be much easier.

#19 Oneself and others (人 与 己); #26 Not standing out (不 出 头); #135 Find a happy medium (折 中); #136 Individual vs. group (一 人 与 一 群); #145 To one’s face and in his back ( 当 面 与 背 后); #165 Social hierarchy (等 级); #196 Friends and friendship (朋 友, 友 谊)