Finding the source of the dysfunctional thoughts and reframing the dysfunctional language into healthier ways of thinking may be considered reclaiming the innocence of one’s soul, or ecstatic soul retrieval. Goodman’s ecstatic trance ritual of smudging and calling the spirits would be quite foreign in customary psychotherapy, yet certain postures would be acceptable such as the Bear Spirit, Lady of Cholula, Jivaro, and Feathered Serpent Postures. These postures give needed direction to the therapy process parallel to the steps of analytic hypnotherapy for emotional strengthening, journeying into the unconscious to answer why, and providing the determination for the death of the dysfunctional thoughts and rebirth of healthier thinking. Drumming or rattling rather than quiet new age music can be acceptably explained. The client may eventually in time be introduced to the other elements of the ecstatic trance ritual. The ecstatic postures advantageously give direction to the therapy process with many less spoken words, thus offering the client greater comfort in not necessarily having to reveal the nature of the problem. Two new case studies are offered.