This chapter introduces the idea of the "internal environment" for consideration in the workplace. The system for the internal environment is different to the other systems in that it is not goal corrected–it influences the other systems as they all do. It is one of two systems "whose function is to support the self when no caregiver is available". The internal and external systems support the systems for caregiving, careseeking, self-defence, interest sharing, sexuality, or, impair them. The internal environment is as biologically physiological as any of the other systems–it may evoke stronger notions of the bio-physiological "milieu interieur" as Bernard described or it may be more noticeable as a sense of self. The internal environment is a combination of experiences of the past, the present and a developed skill of anticipating a future. Internal environment is a biological/neurological/phenomenological system that encapsulates memories and beliefs about relationships with key attachment figures, peers and children.