This chapter describes activities for fostering student use of languaging actions in their writing for creating relations with audiences. Creating these relations involves gaining audience identification with their portrayals of experiences of writers portraying experiences enacting certain ways of being as writers. To assist students in employing languaging actions to gain audience identification, teachers can model their metacognitive reflections about how writers engage in relational framing of rhetorical contexts associated with use of languaging actions. They can also have students employ heuristics to generate ideas for their writing. Students can use their writing to portray how relations with others are shaped by race, class, and/or gender difference, as evident in examples of students writing autobiographies that critically examine race in the context of their own life histories. Teachers can provide reader-based feedback to students use of languaging through describing their responses as readers, as well as train peers to provide feedback. In lieu of devoting extensive time to grammar instruction, for responding to writing at the editing phase, teachers can focus on specific aspects of syntax and usage that serve to enhance readability to engage audiences.